This is the final image from the Vauxhall Trade Club 20th birthday ad I art directed, that we shoot back in June. The ad was to celebrate Vauxhall Trade Clubs 20 years of existence and how far they have come over the years.
The creative chosen had two scenes. A modern day scene with a brand new Vauxhall Corsa, and the 1991 scene with a 1991 Vauxhall Nova from Vauxhall's heritage centre (which is the old version of the Corsa) which we themed and styled. It was interesting on the shoot to see the size difference between the two cars, with the Nova being quite a bit smaller.
After the photoshoot it went back to the photographers studio for some retouching work that helped transformed both of the images especially the 1991 image. It was shot and retouched by Nigel Harniman and his team.
Here are a few behind the scenes photos that I took during the shoot.