29 May 2017

Welcome back to May's edition of Ad Picks. There have been a lot of great ads this month and I could have shared quite a few, but I limited myself to these three great ones.

I'll start with this interactive campaign for T-Mobile. They have released a really cool app which uses the camera on your phone to transform anything in their magenta logo colour into exclusive content. They even got the band Gorillaz involved, which gave people a reason to see their exclusive content. It's a great use of technology, owning the magenta colour and I'm pretty excited to give it a go.

'My dog is my medicine' when I'm stressed and this ad shares that message. Royal Canin used this ad to spread the message about abandoned dogs seeking homes in the pound. They have transformed a pharmacy into a Furmacy for a day. When people came to buy a drug, such as Paracetamol the pharmacist told them about dogs' healing properties and the idea went all the way down to the products in the store.

The reactions of the people when they bring out dogs at the end are brilliant and I hope a lot of dogs got new homes. A great way to share the message.

I'll leave you this month with a fun ad by Apple named 'Barbers'. It made me smile all the way through and I really enjoyed the edit, especially the cuts from the people in the chair to their photographs on the wall.

It made me want the iPhone 7 Plus even more than I already did and I think it was a factor in me buying one at the weekend.

I hope you enjoyed this post and you'll share it with someone who would enjoy it too. Keep your eyes peeled towards the end of June for next month's edition of Ad Picks.