It's Ad Picks time.
I love a good fantasy game and I was surprised this was never done before, having a mixed male and female players in one fantasy league. I hope to see more of these in the next few years.
This next ad is very clever, playing with scenes in horror films that always happen and the stupid things they do 'running away from the killer, rather than grabbing something big and sharp, dumb'. It's for American Red Cross getting blood donors, as so many people like watching blood spilled not many people give blood
What would you trade? A man (Cheestring in disguise) buys a billboard with one Cheestring for a trade, seeing what he could trade it for. It went crazy viral with people offering all kinds of things.
It's the same idea as the book 'The Red paper clip', that a person starts with a paperclip and keeps trading his next item for a better item until he gets a house. It is well worth a read.
Ai generators are amazing and quite scary at the same time. The other day I watched a video talking about Ai taking over from artists in the future. Heinz Ketchup jumped on the bandwagon with a fun campaign seeing what artwork it would create for 'Ketchup'. With there distinctive shaped bottle.
I hope you enjoyed reading this months Ad Picks, see you soon.